or..US Missile Defense Program participation...
Well, my oh my, Contrary Cal is still alive and breathing!
Yes, yes indeed, I am still alive and wondering when winter is EVER going
to be over!!!!!!!! It's been bloody cold up here in Eastern Canada and I'm
dang well sick of it. I've only been out walking 4 times this month - That's pathetic!
I've gained about 10 pounds but am fast burning it off just trying to keep warm!
I know you have all been waiting with baited breath to see my next bloggy post,
but really folks, I've been busy. Very, very busy. So busy in fact, that I haven't
had ONE moment to write to y'all and am only doing so now, under duress. I
have to announce the winner of the "Snowstorms in February" contest, so I have
to sit down an try to get witty, once again.
["But I don't wanna get witty"] - (said in a whining voice)
"Get witty damn you - witty I say!" - (demanding voice of alter ego)
["But I don't wanna get witty"] - (said in a whining, annoying monotone)
"Get witty or I'll kick your butt all the way up and down Main Street, you sniveling urchin."
["OK, OK, alter egomaniac, I get ya...Witty...that's me...witty...heh heh - witless is more like it!]
Sooo...The Winner of the Contest is....drumroll please..........
I'll let you all know tomorrow - March 1st. February isn't over yet. Though the sun is
shining brightly here...you just never know. We COULD get one of those freaky
"didn't see that coming" snowstorms sometime before midnight tonight!
Heh heh heh...had ya goin for a couple, didn't I now, eh?
Now that that's settled, on to more serious things -The US Missile Defense Program.
To participate in a faulty, doesn't work, but will cost ya billions, defense strategy of our
neighbour nation (US), or to dither for the benefit of the clueless Canadian masses
and say "No, we will definately not join the US missile defense program" while actually
participating in the backroom anyway? Hmmmm....which scenario would YOU choose
if you were Paul Martin?
Being a weak Prime Minister in an exceedingly corrupt Party, with an Opposition Party
that is strong and getting stronger every day...well...I'd choose the latter too. After all, we're
already participants in NORAD...and...as Frank McKenna said..."We're already in it anyway."
(sloppy quote - I know)
Martin knows that to overtly go against the wishes of the Canadian public (primarily Ontario &
Quebec) would spell doom for the Liberals as Government. But Martin also knows we need
massive defense spending just to bring our military up to date - and he knows we need it
now. It wasn't hard for him to appear to aquiesce to the Conservative Opposition on this -
the pressure from them, took the pressure off him to make that budget decision. Stephen
Harper took a hard look at world events years ago when he worked with Preston Manning,
and saw the shape of things to come. It wasn't a pretty picture. He saw that the Liberal
government's plan was to let defense spending slide because our neighbours to the south
were spending zillions on defense. It's been a great free ride. But we're now being kicked
off the wagon. We're being told to go get our own damn horses and wagons.
Personally, I'm glad for it. It's about time.
Harper has been sounding the warning that that was going to happen, (for what - 8 years now?)
and to get on with looking for a horse. I wonder if Martin's government would have had the guts
to make that decision if he had another majority government? Something tells me No.
I think we would have been subjected to more of the same Liberal gluttony with more
"Sponsorhip" type fiascos if it hadn't been for them being knocked back a bit and made
to deal with the BIG picture.
Is it too little too late, though? Let's hope not - there are a bunch of very wacko nations
that are gaining in power both economically and militarily. North Korea for one. Scary.
Iran - even Scarier. God help us concerning China.
When it comes to Canada participating in the US Defense Missile Program - I think we
should jump in with both feet - and get the program working right. After all - we're bloomin
brilliant when it come to technological innovation - we just don't have the smarts to market
that. Put a few Canadian brains to work on the Star Wars project, coupled with the massive
amounts of cash from the US, and we'd have us a convoy!
Anyway, what do I know? And ya just gotta love that Frank McKenna! Bull in a China shop
exemplified, but I admire him nonetheless. At least he tells it like it is.
OK - enough of that kind of thing. Now onto more important matters.
The reason you, my wonderful fans, haven't heard from me for quite some time
is because I'm working on my Gardening website. I've got a deadline for myself
to get it launched, and that deadline is fast approaching. If you hear sporadically
from me over the next month or two, then worry pàs. I'm not going to desert you,
I'm just working on my home business (24/7) to bring in some serious income.
I'll post the link to my Gardening site right here, on Contrary Cal, when it's complete
and uploaded to a server. Don't know yet whether I'll go .com or .ws. I kind of
like the .ws (dot web site) - has a nice ring to it.
Well, it's time for me to wind down. heh heh - I know you're thinking "whew, thank
goodness!" A quick update on the Jenn...
Yup...still practicing....Yup...sounding better all the time and starting to get really
excited about her trip to Ottawa in May! She almost won an "Intense" paper-scissors-rock
competition at her staff get together last evening. She and another young fella were
the finalists and he won 2 out of 3. She was supposed to be home by 10pm, but I got
a call at 10:15..."Can I stay - I'm a finalist - Please can I stay?" Well. What could I say
but Yes. You're only 15 once. And how often does Anyone get to compete in a
paper-scissors-rock competition?
So....bowing to audience, I solemnly say "Good day beautiful peoples...until the next
time we meet.."
Contrary Cal
P.S. I'm sorry to report that I only have an audience of one...maybe two. I hope to
double that in the coming months.
P.P.S. I'll post the links in a futile attempt for Band trip donations...heh heh heh.
Hey, I'm not too smart but I'm persistent. Ya gotta give me that! C'ya my darlin fan(s).
$2.00 Donation
$5.00 donation
$10.00 Donation
$20.00 Donation
Bye for now...See ya on the flip side!