I spent yesterday, until the wee hours of the morning, searching for a couple of places on the internet to advertise my new website. You'd think it would be a no-brainer, right? WRONG!! Yes, there are thousands of places that offer to advertise for you... some are cheap and some are expensive... you do get what you pay for... but .30¢ per click - come on!!! In order to make any money you'd have to buy about 10,000 clicks and at .30¢ a pop, that's $3,000 bucks. DANG. My category, Home & Garden, apparently is one of the most expensive categories to buy advertising for - anywhere. Sheet.
If any of you amazing Bloggy people know of Great places to advertise, that the little guy can afford, and that Actually gets fairly good traffic...PLEEEEASE lemme know. What are your thoughts on Ezines & Newsletters, as compared to ads on Google and Yahoo. While Google and Yahoo are obviously great places to advertise, would the value be any better than a targeted Ezine or Newsletter?
For those of you who don't know much about Advertising, I'd appreciate your thoughts on how you track down unusual gifts, especially if it's for someone who loves gardening or entertaining outside. Do you just type 'gardening' or 'gardeners' or 'gifts' into a search engine, or do you type in something more specific like 'unusual gifts for men who garden'... Do you take the time to read those little Ads down the side of the search page and click on any of them?
It's quite the conundrum doing it the first time around, even if you have done your research and are fairly certain you'll get good results from your advertising of choice. I think my problem is that I'm just a redneck at heart, and I hate spending money without being sure I'm going to get my money's worth!!!!! LOL
What a racket, eh?
Speaking of a racket... Canada's Liberally biased Media is at the point of ridiculous - No, they've surpassed that! I read an article in todays Globe and Mail by Christie Blatchford entitled "Tory pledge makes me dance" ... I laughed my butt off! It's one of the few times I've read an article in the Globe, where they make well deserved fun of their own foolishness. Basically it's making fun of reporters not being able to figure out if the figures given by Politicians are accurate. In this case, she was referring to the dollar amounts people would save by the proposed cut to the hated GST (Goods and Services Tax). The reporters she was making fun of, couldn't figure out if the store owner they were interviewing, was giving the correct amounts of savings on any given product.
READ the article if you can get your hands on it... Too funny... but it underscores the contention I've had with Canadian Media for years... it doesn't matter if the facts and figures are accurate... if it diminishes their beloved Liberal Party in any way, then it's called into question. The Canadian media is so blatantly biased toward the Liberal Party, that it is extremely hard for ANY other party to get their views across accurately to the Canadian public. Make no mistake... in Canada, there is no such thing as fair and equal reporting when it comes to Politics. That's because the Canadian Media have grown fat and arrogant from feeding at the Liberal trough. They can't even deny it. The CBC media is government run, so no one expects anything unbiased from them, in any way shape or form. CTV is even worse. It's really frustrating watching the news and trying to get an unbiased report of the different political parties platforms, because every report is prefaced and ended with biased political commentary... peeves me off.
Anyway, it's nice to know there are a few media personnel who can poke fun at themselves!