OK gang, listen up. I know I'm not the sharpest tack in the drawer, and
I know I'm somewhat bent outta shape, but dang, signing up to get this
dang far with this dang blog wasn't a box of my favourite crackers either!!!!!
I had to try 5 times - COUNT EM - 5 ding-dangly-doodle times to get my
first post here. They forget to tell ya WHAT exactly is causing your error
message when choosing your blog name. DUH....I finally figured out that
the name they "Automatically" put in the blog name field (ie., contrary cal.joeuser.com)
needs to have NO Spaces in between the words/name/whatever!
I tried underscore, dash, comma, period....and finally took out the space - BINGO!
Sheesh...next time someone just hit me upside the head would ya??
Course I knew that...just testing out the system. hehhehheh
(yeah right dummie - we believe ya)
Sooooooooooooo....moving right along..........
Now, the topic today is BLOGS. Can you spell Blog, class? Spell it??!!
... I didn't even know what one was until about a year ago. They
are one heck of a lot of fun to read. Kinda like peekin in peoples windows
when taking a stroll on a warm summer evening! Of course I'd NEVER
do something like that...but I've learned a lot about Blogs in the last year
...ok, ok...the last month or so...OK...Get Off MY Back would ya??....In the
last dang hour or two! (There, happy?... ya big pest)
...AND...what I've learned is that, when you're home sick from work,
(I don't actually "work") with a bloody bad cold, barking like a dog with
the worst friggen cough anyone could imagine - coughin hard enough
to make you gag and also give you a hernia.... Well, what I've learned
is this.... Blogs are kinda neato, peachy keen, a bit of all right!
They take your mind off your own troubles.
They hook you up with neat linky things.
They share advice (whether you want it or not).
They are also funny. That is;
1a. affording light mirth and laughter: AMUSING.
1b. seeking or intended to amuse: FACETIOUS.
2. differing from the ordinary in a suspicious way: QUEER
....(we won't explore this definition)
3. involving trickery or deception {told his prisoner not to try anything funny}
SYN see laughable
I also learned that there are a LOT of people who will write ANYTHING
(and everything) about their lives, on these Blog thingys.
(Rolls eyes in utter amazement)
Mind you, that's not to say there aren't a heck of a lot of very talented,
creative, intelligent, resourceful, smart, kind, sweet, handsome, beautiful,
Bloggers out there with a lot to say. There are, and I point that out
emphatically. But there's a lot of drivel as well.
SO...Now the conundrum...
Should I fashion MY Blog after the creative, intelligent, resourceful,
talented blog faction - OR - follow in the footsteps of
the foolish, idiotic drivel crowd?????
Hmmmmm.....6 of one, half a dozen of the other....
Would ya settle for creative, resourceful drivel? Good...then it's settled.
Creative Resourceful Drivel it is then.
FIRST UP on the drivel list:
[Audience waits patiently while I don beggers rags]....K...ready...
In the spirit of 1b. seeking or intended to amuse: FACETIOUS,
Everyone who reads this should send me $2.00 trough Paypal.
I'm serious. Really.
Please click the following donation button
All of your very generous donations will allow me to stay home from
work indefinately to recuperate and continue creating this extremely
witty WebBlog. This is totally for YOUR enjoyment, so all
donations will definately not go to waste!
NOW...FIRST UP on the Creative Resourceful List:
Since I'm a professioal Network Marketer by day, (I'll bore the crap
outta ya about that some other time...K?).....I thought I'd share some
of my "tricks" with you by night! SAVE ON LONG DISTANCE CALLING
Not everyone wants to pay long distance charges. I know, I know....
some of you LOVE paying Primus, Sprint, BellTel, and the thousands
of other long distance service providers. But...here's the catch. You're
already paying for Internert Service right???
Well, get yourself a microphone headset (if you don't have one) and
start keeping that long distance bill money in YOUR OWN pocket.
Ever heard of Skype? You can talk as long as you want to whoever
you want, wherever you want. Download Skype and forget paying
long distance ever again.
(This is where I give credit to my sweetie pie, Jimmers, for hooking
me up with Skype - Thank You you handsome hunk!!!)
Here's the link:
Download it, share it with friends and start saving some money!
Well, it's a Friday night - and 11pm here and what kind of a geek am I that
I'm sitting in front of a computer on a Friday night? Sheesh. I'm outta here.
Live long and prosper ya bunch of Klingons.
Love ya....Bye fer now...Cya....
Contrary Cal