Today was our first REAL blizzard of this fine winter season!
Man oh Man - It's trés White out there. Cold too. I'm glad I'm
in here and it's out there.
Blizzard Tip of the week:
**Fill a couple of buckets full of water so you can still flush the
toilet when the power goes out!**
Now is that good advice or what?? I'm so dang clever I amaze
myself sometimes! Well besides waiting for the power to go out
today in the middle of the blizzard, I had to shore up the Igloo entrance
to make sure that Polar Bear that's been hanging around, can't get in.
Dang Polar Bears. Always trying to chew my ass.
I'm in a bit of a quandry at the moment about where to permanently
park my Blog. My goal is to become a famous Blogger with international
readership....but is the place to do that??? Hmmmmm...
Here is where I have another blog that LOOKs much nicer than
Joe's....they have more fashion sense and since I'm so fashion
sensitive, I've been thinking I'll move into that place.
Contrary Cal
Plus, last night when I was editing my first post, I crashed my
Joe Who site. Couldn't get in for the life of me, and I had two
very important edits to make. I had to take out a break tag and
put in a break tag. You make it more visually appealing.
(Good Grief she's anal, what?)
Well, I think I've definately given myself a hernia from coughing
all night long. I'm not exactly sure what a hernia is, but if it hurts
then I've got one. Cause this hurts. Like the dickens. A Lot.
Don't you feel sorry for me? If you feel really sorry for me, then
you could make me feel a whole lot better by sending me $2.
Heh heh heh.... I'm Serious. Really....heh heh heh
All right, all right....enough of that serious talk. Now for
something from my bag of Creative Resource tricks. As I
mentioned previously, I'm one of those strange breed of
Northerners who hate going out in the winter and so
works at making a living from the Internet. While I don't
make my entrire income from that - yet - I don't do too
badly either. One of the really neat things about working
as a Networker, is that you meet this whole other genre of
people who think entirely differently from the 9 to 5 types.
They are a breed apart. "WHY?" you ask? Well, I'm glad
you asked. I'll tell ya.
Internet Marketers are a group of people who are unafraid
of failure. They are unafraid of ridicule. They are forever
optimistic. They are friendly. They are professionals. Last
but not least....they are always looking for new opportunities
to grow personally, professionally and financially. They are
the most POSITIVE bunch of folks I've ever come across. And
I'll be forever grateful for this....They are always willing to share
what they know.
In that spirit...I've got a bunch of Resources from them, that I'd
like to share with you. No, No, No....I'm not going to inundate
you with pleas to join MY program/business/opportunity/scam...
In fact, I will never mention them in my Blog. What I'll share with
you are the neat things to help us along this journey called "Life".
"...Separate the wheat from the chaff, and with the breath of kindness
blow the rest away". That is all I can remember of an Arab Proverb.
If anyone else knows the whole thing...let me know, I'd love to get
it done in caligraphy for framing. I had that proverb once, but my A-hole
ex threw it out along with a bunch of other stuff because he didn't
want to move it. He tried to throw out all of my books, but I caught
him before he succeeded. (Whew...good thing or I'd be in jail for
Anyway, I digress....Not hard to do when I have such an easy target!
{laughs evilly...heh heh heh}
This is from my "As a Man Thinketh" newsletter. It is a meditation
written by James Allen. I have no idea if I can put it in here, but if I
get in crap, well then, I'll remove it.
"The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to be
harmoniously related to his inner state." – As A Man Thinketh
Orison Swett Marden in The Miracle of Right Thought wrote, "Did you
realize that it is possible to read in your face and manner the record
of your thoughts; that your face is a bulletin board upon which is
advertised what has been going on in your mind for years?" Read that
quote again and stop and ponder that thought for a moment as it applies
to you. Then stop and think about that as it applies to those who are close
to you, who you know intimately well.
But the physical expression on our face isn't the only reflection of our inner
state. The condition of our finances, our health and our relationships are
also a reflection of what's going on inside. One of the greatest "awakenings"
that I experienced was when I realized that my habitual thinking had created
my outer conditions. Up until that time I thought it was the other way around.
I thought the reason I was depressed was because of what was happening
to me. With that kind of thinking it's easy to understand why I wasn't in control
of my life.
One of my very favorite Emmet Fox excerpts is called "Tail Wags the Dog" and
it's from his book Make Your Life Worthwhile. In part it reads, "Truth is that your
outer conditions - your environment - are the expression of your mentality, and
nothing more. They are not cause; they are effect. They do not come first; they
follow after...You do not have faith because things are going well. They are going
well because you have faith. You are not depressed because trouble has come
to you, but trouble has come because your realization of the Truth had first fallen
off...Man is not limited by his environment. He creates his environment by his
beliefs and feelings. To suppose otherwise is like thinking that the tail can wag the dog."
And that's worth thinking about. {End Article}
Wasn't that too Cool??? I've got a bundh of neato stuff like that saved on
my hard drive. Someone might as well use it, eh?
Well, It's Sunday evening. I think I'll go stuff my face with something.
Where's my spear....Here Polar Bear.....C'mere little fella....I've got
a little surprise for you.....Heh heh heh. Gotta stoke up the BBQ for
some bear steaks....Heh heh heh.
Bye for now my beautiful Bloggin fans.
Love ya...ya bunch of cute little boogers!
P.S. I made the mistake of putting my website address in my
personal profile. So of course, that makes me look like a big
fat liar. But honestly, I Did NOT know it would show up at the
bottom of my blog. Honest to God. Cross my Heart.
How do you get back in to edit your profile from here?
Yeah, I think I'm definatly moving ...sorry Joe...but your
site is not very user friendly. You hide stuff. You leave
the cap off the toothpaste. You leave water in the bottom
of the soap dish so the soap gets all icky gooey. You
also don't take out the I'll just take myself out,
thank you very much.
P.P.S. Poley Mountain is a Ski Hill that my daughter
works at. It is a fine little ski hill. It has lots of runs.
It has a nice lodge. It has good food. It is very pretty
skiing down its slopes. Ted is the General Manager.
Ted is a nice guy. Ted works hard. See Ted work.
Now that we have a foot of snow from the blizzard,
Ted is going to have to work, work, work. Work Ted Work.
P.P.P.S. Next Post will deal with Job Hunting and the
Great Search for the Goose that laid the Golden Egg.
Cio Babies!