Contrary, Controversial, Conundrums for Casual Consideration
Dying Jen's Hair (Which was worse?)
Published on January 25, 2005 By Contrary Cal In Life Journals
Well, well, weeeeeellllllllllllll.....Today I turned (insert a number _7)
I have a daugher who is old enough to dye her hair so chances are
the number to insert is NOT a 1. (or a 2...heh) Dang birthdays!
Wish they'd slow down a bit!!!! Of course, it's better than the alternative
I suppose. long as I'm on the right side of the grass, I shouldn't
complain. Still and all, I'm not going down without a fight. Where's
that box of dye I bought for myself??? Dang grey hair. I'm too young
for grey hair!!! (snicker, snicker...did she say young....Jen points and
laughs) (Brat....Who raised her anyway? Musta been my alter ego. Yeah, that's it)
Dang alter ego. Anyway, the birthday did have some high points.

High Point # 1. My sweet Jimmer guy ushered my birthday In
with a phone call last night and very kind words, and then he saw
it Out with another phone call (Skype, actually) tonight - and more
kind, sweet romantic words. Oh Sigh...Sloppy nuther Sigh!

High Point #2. My sweet little Jennie girl brought me home 2 birthday
presents. My FAVOURITE things. A book and my favourite chocolates!
Now I try to stay away from chocolates and do very well most of the year,
but Christmas and Birthday chocolates require me to do right by the giver,
so I gracefully show my appreciation for the lovely gift and scarf them down
in a manner befitting my gratitude. (Picture a pig in a trough )

OK. That's enough of the Birthday thing. Entirely too much. Did I already cuss
birthdays? Dang birthdays. Double dang birthdays. (Out ya go for nuther year)

Now the hair dying story. Picture "Deepest Cherry Red". Got that colour in yer
old noodle. When Jim comes down with his digi camera next time, I'll get a pic
of Jenn's new hair colour and you all can tell me whatcha think. I kinda like it
and Jennie Loves it...So...I guess we'll forget the vote.
Warning...Motherly gushing ensues...She's beautiful no matter what colour
her hair is. In fact, she's model material. {end motherly gushing}

I am simply amazed at how EASY those hair colouring kits are getting. It used
to be a major production to dye your hair. Now it's just like shampooing your
hair and leaving the shampoo in for 25 minutes, then rinsing it out and putting
conditioner in for another 2 minutes and rinsing it out. Voila - Done. Like I said
AMAZING. I'm doing mine tomorrow. Well, technically, it's tomorrow already as
it's 1 in the morning. But untechnically, I haven't gone to bed yet, so it's still, like,
my birthday. Although technically, my birthday was over at midnight. on the 24th.
Technically it's now the 25th, but untechnically, who the heck cares?

Now I have to apologize to JoeUser (Profuse apologies, blah, blah, blah) for saying
I didn't really like his/her/it's blogger. As it turns out, I shouldn't be such a fickle
stitch. Joe isn't pretty, but he's got what it takes. Pure HTML hard coding functionality.
Ya gotta love that. That other "Pretty" Blog site that I thought whould be "Oh So Easy"
...wasn't. Oh, she was pretty, and looked like such an easy little thing to use...But...
she couldn't take the hard stuff. And that's no good for me!

Sorry Joe
If you must Know
I Love you So
But don't be Slow
Or I'll Crash Ya.

OK...enough drivel...Onto the good stuff. Drumrolls Please...
I've gotta give credit to my wonderful, handsome, sweet Jimmers
Again for turning me onto "Picassa" and "Hello". OK, OK...
YOU've already got it - right??....I'M the slow one. Give me a break
all right. I'm Old and I'm slow. I'm hoping other Old, Slow people
might actually NOT have this stuff to play with. So, IF you are
Old and Slow...go to the Picassa site and download the program.
"Hello" is one of Picassa's Features for sharing your picures. And
it's FREE!

[Picassa Photo Organizer]

you will have lots of fun sharing pictures with your Kids, grandkids,
brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins,
second cousins once removed, neighbours, passing acquaintances, etc.
ALL while talking to them on Skype!!! That's the really fun part - you
can actually be talking to them (without paying long distance charges)
AND be sharing pictures at the same time. You can just grab the
pictures off your hard drive (they have to be there in digital format to
begin with, though) and send them through Hello, and say on Skype...
"Here's a picture that's not too, I guess I'm not going to send
that's one, that's no good either...OK, here's a picture
I took of Smokie's didn't turn out the way I wanted....but that's ol
Smokie." (actual conversation between Jim and I tonight...heh heh heh)

See how much fun you can have with this stuff!!!!!!! It's a hoot!
(such an evil woman, I am...heh heh heh)

Well the day dawned bright and sunny this morning (remember- I'm still
on Jan. 24th...It's still the 24th until I go to bed) the Blizzard passed and
the kids STILL had a snow day! I guess it takes the snow plow guys a
long time to do their back roads plowing thingy. Tim loved it and Jen
hated it. First exam was supposed to be written today. Now they get
pushed back a day. Booooo. Yeahhhh. Booooo. The Boo's have it.

OK...I'm yawning I'm outta here. 4 more sleeps Jim (heh heh)
I'm sending this link to my Ex-Inlaws in Holland so that I'll have
International readership. (That was my goal, remember, to become
a famous, international Blogger)

Oh I almost forgot. For all of you who would like to help me on my
way to international Blogging fame and fortune, here is where you can
make a donation. I'm serious. Really. heh heh heh

(Someday, someone will actually send me 2 bucks. I'll let ya'll know when
that happens! heh heh heh)
Anyway...Good night my beautiful blogger fans. (all 2 of you).
I'm going to have a busy day dyeing my hair tomorrow, so I need
to get my beauty rest. I anticipate it will be long and arduous...All
25 minutes of it! And Jim...I'll save you a few (very few) of these
chocolates. Hmmm....we'll need some bubbly to go with them!

Love you all, ya bunch of lily livered swabbies.


on Jan 25, 2005
Have a good nights sleep, and enjoy making your hair all pretty tomorrow, er, today, er, whatever
on Jan 25, 2005
Why thank you Danny - Thank you vary much! (in best Elvis voice possible)
on Jan 25, 2005
hope you had a happy, chocolate and fun filled birthday lol