Who wants a J.O.B. anyway?
JOB - Just Over Broke. Seems like that's all they are, what?
Trading time for money...so what's a good trade? I've discovered
that there is a world of difference between what other people
want you to do, and what you want to do - jobwise. Perception
is everything. Some of my friends still think of me as a housewife
and think I should be happy serving coffee at Tim Hortons. I
can't begin to tell you how many times I've heard them say...
"It's a job isn't it?"
Well, I'm to the point where I'm not even trying to be 'kind and
tactful' in my reply to their stupidity. When you've had over 20 years
of experience in the business and financial arena, AND you've
taken the time and incurred the expense of going back to college
and graduated in the top third of your class with an IT degree, then
NOOO...serving coffee from the Tim Hortons pick-up window is NOT
a job. It's a death sentence. Especially if you're a single mom.
If I'm going to serve anyone coffee, it's because I love them and
want to get them a coffee - Not because I want to spend 40 hours
a week working for minimum wage at a friggin coffee shop. NOW
if I owned the coffee shop - THAT would be an entirely different thing!
Besides all that...don't those idiots realize that you can't raise a family
on minimum wage?
Let's do the math. At $6.30 an hour times 40 hours per week, you'd
be grossing $1,092. per month. Let's add up the minimum monthly
expenses: Rent for a 3 bedroom - $550, Heat/Lights - $200, Phone with
Internet connection - $85, Groceries for 1 adult, 2 teenagers - $400.
Grand Total for Basic expenses - $1235. Hmmmm.....What's the
difference???? You'd Gross $1,092 and need to bring in $1235.
So what's wrong with that picture? What's wrong is that stupid people
should stop giving out advice about that which they know absolutely
nothing about.
Now my sister Lynn...she understands that in addition to the Bare
minimum basics, you need money for things like Student Loans,
Insurance, NOT to mention the expenses incurred just from having
a job whether it's minimum wage or not. Lynn sent me two "Employment"
opportunities that are in keeping with supporting a family. One is
for a Policy Analyst and the other is for an Exective Director. The Policy
Analyst might be a stretch, (It requires a high level of sensitivity and tact)
but the Executive Director is right up my alley! I'm applying for both of
them anyway...so wish me well, my adorable fans! 
It will be kinda strange working at a full time, permanent position. I've
been working on contract ever since graduating from college, and have
really enjoyed the diverse nature of contract work. However, contracts end
and then so does the pay, so now I've got to get serious about this JOB
thing. Actually I've been thinking about opening up a flower shop again.
I had a sort-of flower shoppe 7 years ago, but that went the way of the
wooly mammoth when I left the Ex. It's looking more and more attractive
(the flower shop, NOT the ex) the longer I go without another work contract.
Anyway, JOB's are One way of getting money with which to live. I don't think
they are the only alternative and they definately leave one heck of a lot to
be desired. I'm definitely exploring other avenues that will give a lot more
satisfaction from my work efforts. Punching a time clock and fighting traffic
are not on the top of my list of desirable ways to spend time away from my
main concern - my kids!
Soooo.....I DID promise you in my second Blog that I was going to talk
about Jobs and finding the goose that laid the golden egg. There are
some of those geese out there...and right now I've got a gosling that I
hope grows into one of those geese...but time will tell. If my gosling
was hatched along the banks of the Sydney Tar Ponds, then I could be
in trouble!!! 
I'd love to hear your ideas on what would be a good trade of your time
for money, besides your traditional JOB. You are all beautiful
peoples and wonderful fans, Bye for now.
I still love y'all, ya bunch of conniving scammers.
P.S. As always, in our search for the perfect job, it takes time and
money. To make your donation to this very worthy effort, click here:
P.P.S. - Another thing I'm really curious about...Has ANYONE ever had any luck
applying for a job via email? I have emailed dozens of resumés and followed
up, but haven't had even ONE invitation for an Interview from any of them. The
applications that seem to work the best around here are the ones delivered in
person - Guess the personal touch is always best.