Just a little Freaky maybe....
This topic kind of has me a bit hot under the collar, since it was brought to my
attention, so I'm commenting on it........
Leave it to NBC in Los Angeles to Royally screw up the facts...but they managed
to do just that and paint Christians as a bunch of ignorant neanderthals - - AGAIN!
What is it with mainstream media and Christianity? A bunch of radical Islamics
terrorize and kill thousands of Americans, giving the media PLENTY of fodder to
shred (justifiably) the Islamic religion - but they somehow manage to make even
the terrorist's religious faction, out to be, well...not so bad. Most of them "mean
well". They're not All like that. Blah, blah, blah.
But...when some Christian "watchdogs" point out anti-Christian sentiment on the
website of the "We Are Family Foundation" that produces a music video starring
SpongeBob, well then the media gets their shorts all in a knot because Christians
don't give blanket approval to homosexuality, or the acceptance of homosexuality
within society. NBC tried to make it LOOK like Christians, specifically Dr. James Dobson,
were calling Sponge Bob a homosexual. That was a blatant misrepresentation
of the facts. This is what Christians were taking exception to, and I take this
directly from MSNBC's website - the last two paragraphs:
"Christian groups however have taken exception to the tolerance pledge
on the foundation's Web site which asks people to respect the sexual
identity of others along with their abilities, beliefs, culture and race.
"Their inclusion of the reference to 'sexual identity' within their 'tolerance pledge'
is not only unnecessary but it crosses a moral line," Dr James Dobson, founder
of Focus on the Family, said in a statement on Thursday. " {end quote}
Too bad NBC didn't explore the actual issue, instead of sensationalizing a
non-issue. NO Christian group said that Sponge Bob was homosexual
- Two, count em - a measly 2 Christian groups said the Cartoon characters were
being EXPLOITED to promote a homosexual agenda. Maybe they are,
maybe they aren't - just take notice of the distinction is all I ask.
Too bad for society when irresponsible news writers, with issues, are the
only ones who get to stand on their own NATIONAL soapbox.
"Conservative Christian groups are upset about a video that included
SpongeBob SquarePants, saying the cartoon character is promoting a
homosexual agenda. NBC’s Don Teague reports."
Sheesh, Don Teague...gimme a break, for cryin out loud! NO ONE
said SpongeBob was promoting a homosexual agenda. Read the
comments over again.
Oh yeah....What? Two whole groups made a comment? Really?
Gosh...gotta get the national media on that right away! That's BIG, BIG
news because... people with different "sexual identies" might be getting
a bum rap... duck and cover for heavens sake! Imagine, those bad, bad
Christians daring to disagree with you - You righteous media people!
Too bad the real questions about this story didn't get asked, and answered, in
the National media. It could have actually made for some engaging dialogue.
The real question /issue /story here is, WHY...why does the "inclusion of the
reference to 'sexual identity' within their 'tolerance pledge' " bother Christians?
WHY..."is {it} not only unnecessary but it crosses a moral line".
Why? It's because Sexual Identity usually refers to homosexuality,
and the acceptance of homosexuality in society is a Moral Issue.
That's Why.
This whole Sponge Bob hullaballoo is just one more example of the blatant
Anti-Christian sentiment festering in a nation that was build on Christian values.
It's to the point of ridiculous...
The majority of straight people I know say "live and let live" (me included)....they
don't have a problem with homosexuality. What straights are having a problem
with, is the militant promotion and justification of the gay lifestyle to the straight
News Flash....Straight people don't care what gays do in the bedroom. We just
don't want that lifestyle choice shoved down our throats, or foisted upon our children.
It's a parents job to train their children with moral values...not the job of some faceless
'organization/foundation', or a schools job, no matter how good the intentions.
So that's my comment on the whole Sponge Bob / homosexuality thing. You can
disagree with me any old time you like - and disagreement is good. It shows
you can use the old noggin. But this really is a moral issue, as evidenced by
the voracious controversy with it at any given time. And with all moral issues,
you've got to know from whence commeth your morals, in order to make your point.
Anyway....enough of that.....commercial interlude......
Onto a much less controversial topic.....Jenn is going on a trip to Ottawa
in May with the School Jazz Band...She plays trumpet and she's pretty
good if I do say so myself. I went to a meeting this evening to plan the
fundraising for the trip. Somehow I got nominated to take the minutes
of each meeting (once a month so that's not bad). Those kids are
Soooooo EXCITED! That is the first time I've ever been in on a meeting
for a school trip and they were just oozing enthusiasm. Jen and her
best friend are going to sell tickets on a spring basket, and they were
happily talking about what things they would buy to put in the basket, and
how much they'd sell the tickets for, and where they'd sell the tickets...
etc., etc., etc.
It was really nice to see them being so creative like that - Made me proud!
So I'm going to do my part too. You know how I've put the "gag Paypal" link
on each of my blog pages. Well....I'm going to put it to good use instead
of foolishness.
Anyone who would like to make a little donation to the Jazz Bands trip in
the Spring, can make a donation at the PayPal link. YES - it is an actual
link that really works. Every dime that is donated via that link, will go to
the overall trip for the Band. I think they have to raise about $4,000 in
total, so every little bit helps.
At the end of each month, I'll give you a running total of how much
(or more likely, how little) has been raised for the trip. The band will
be getting there during the Tulip festival so Jenn is really excited about
that also...as she's of Dutch heritage (Her dad is Dutch).
Well...I've gotta hit the old fart sack. Morning comes too early...I've got
things to do, places to go, babies to kiss....and like that. So until the
next time, Goodbye my beautiful, smart, clever Blog fans.
Please don't disown me because of my aforementioned views...I
don't know any better than to rile the shark infested waters of yon
wild moral abyss.
I Love y'all, ya bunch of mangy jackrabbits.
Contrary Cal (Indeed !)