No...Not me...My older (much older) Sister...hahahahaha
Tonight (well, technically last night...but again...I haven't gone to bed yet, so it's still Saturday)
Tonight I attended a big Birthday Party for an older sister who turned 50.
50. Dang....
When did all my brothers and sisters get so darn old?
I have brothers and sisters who are GRANDPARENTS!!! Sheesh.
I can hardly comprehend it...I mean, it wasn't that long ago that I graduated from
high school. But all things are relevant.
Take the Dodo bird for example. Comparatively speaking when you think
of the age of the world, it wasn't that long ago that they became extinct.
My grandmother was 96 years old when she died - Compared to that,
50 is still a kid.
40 is NOT the turning point in midlife. 50 is. It 's the birthday that really
makes you re-evaluate your life. As I draw nearer to 50 (I've still got a
a ways to go yet - Lord willing), well, it doesn't seem as old as I once
thought it was. I sometimes wonder if WE of the baby boomers are more
"HIP", "Cool", or otherwise not as Old acting as our parents generation was
- at that age, I mean. Or do we only think we're younger acting???
Of course when I was a young adult I didn't party with my parents, aunts,
uncles or their I didn't really get to see how they acted with
their peers either. That's probably a very good thing...Bad visual otherwise!
But anyway....50 is ...well.... wrinklier. Maybe Arthritic. And dang if I
didn't want to leave the party by 10:45 .... Yawning at that !!!!!!
Plus, I didn't particularily like having a beer spilled on my socks. And I
shook my head at the brother of a brother-in-law who made reference
to trying to get me undressed (without success) when I was 22. (Ewwww)
Obviously was, and still is, IN HIS DREAMS! LOL!
So yeah...50 is definately NOT 30 anymore. It's not even close to 40.
50 IS middle age. On the downhill slide. Things definately
aren't as shiny anymore. Parts need replaced. And you don't get classed
as "Antique"...just "old". One of my young nieces asked me last summer,
and I realized then, what I looked like in her eyes....she asked me...
"What was it like back in the olden days?" I burst out laughing, as did
another older sister sitting beside me...and we, in mock seriousness
started describing going to church in horse and buggys, walking 10 miles
to school in a blizzards, getting the strap from the teacher in a one-room
schoolhouse (which actually happened btw), washing our clothes down at
the creek, and a host of other things that our grandmothers probably
experienced. We had a hoot. But I wonder now, how I'd actually answer my own
great-grandchildren when the time comes, about my "olden days", because - of course,
they're not "olden" to me.
I'm hoping I have some wonderful tales to tell that will leave them bug-eyed
in amazement that things were so archaic! lol I'll have to start saving up the
stories now, eh? Maybe by that time Linux will be the "norm" in computer OS
lingo and they'll say "microsoft - what's a microsoft?"...and a mouse will once again
be a small furry rodent.
Well gotta go... getting sweepy...very eyes are getting vewwy, vewwy
heavy. I'm glad you all dropped by for a little visit. Come back again sometime.
I'm too tired to politely insult all two of my fans till next time...
don't take any wooden nickles.
C ya
Contrary Cal
P.S. If this blog's formatting is pathetic...worry pas...I'll fix it up tomorrow
and make it all copesetic like. Bye bye babys. Loves ya cute little pointed
heads...(there - tired or not, I fit in a teeny little poke!)
Note...It's only a month later, but here's the links for the Jazz Band donations...
You shameless attempt to raise money for my daughters Jazz Band
trip to Ottawa in May. Heh Heh Heh...Nevah Surrender...Nevah say Die!
Hey, I'm not too smart but I'm persistent. Ya gotta give me that! C'ya my darlin fan(s).
$2.00 Donation
$5.00 donation
$10.00 Donation
$20.00 Donation
Bye for now...See ya on the flip side!