or....Does Anyone Have Front Page 2000 or Dreamweaver for Windows 98???
Howdy All you Wonderful Bloggy fans! (See Below about the Request
for FrontPage 2000 and/or Dreamweaver)
I know, I know....I've been ignoring you all again. Please accept my
sincere apologies, but I've been trés, trés busy trying to keep from
burning my house down. That's really hard to do when you're distracted
to the Nth degree.
WHY I'm distracted to the Nth degree is another matter entirely, which I
won't go into here as it's very personal...but man, you sure can burn your
house down SO easy if you're not paying attention!
The saga goes like this...I got a very disturbing email on March 14th.
On March 15th I was attempting to cook supper, put the frying pan on
the burner, put oil in it and turned the burner on Hi. I opened the fridge
and got out some green peppers, onions, mushrooms, cheese, broccolli,
and Eggs (If you haven't guessed - I was going to make an omlette)...
anyway, I had full intentions of grabbing those things, then turning the
burner back down to med-low before getting things like cutting board,
knives, cheese grater, etc.
Well I did put the food items on the counter, but being totally distracted,
I forgot to turn the burner down and proceeded to take the brocolli to the
sink to wash and cut it up. I have to turn my back to the stove if I'm at the
sink. So my back was to the stove.
All of a sudden, I hear this big POP and hiss...I turned around, and saw
flames shooting from the frying pan! God help me - I thought I was going
to pee myself right on the spot. Then the fire detector went off. I ran to
the stove, reached around behind the flames and turned off the burner.
Then I bent down and opened the drawer below the oven, and grabbed
another grying pan and put it on top of the pan that was on fire. Wasn't
my first choice of a fire extinguisher, but ya know... it did in a pinch.
Scorched the crap out of my stainless steel frying pan, and really did a
number on the cast iron pan that the flames originated in...buy by golly
- It woiked!
Then, I went around and opened up every window in the house - and
turned on every exhaust fan I could find - (that's two...count em...two).
It's still cold up here folks - I'll tell ya...it was a wee bit nipply in here
until the smoke cleared! I thought I was going to have to take down
all the drapes and was them and then go out and buy that fabreeze
crap (alergic to whatever chemicals is in That stuff) for the furniture...
but hey...The smoke cleared out fast enough that it didn't linger for
very long. Plus I left all the windows open for, like, 2 hours.
As if that wasn't good enough.... I almost did the same thing two days later!!!
(Dang You ***danged person's name here*** (...you know who you are...)
So the lesson to be learned from this...
1.) Have fire insurance.
2.) Always have a pot/pan cover handy when you cook
3.) Never, never, never, turn your back on a burner that's on....
and last but not least
4.) Don't go near fire producing appliances when you're distracted
(Again...Dang you *** name ***)
Soooo... Is that a good enough reason for not keeping in touch?
Phew...I knew you'd understand, being such thoughtful, kind
bloggy people that you are. Peaches, that's what y'all are!
Anyway...Onto Bigger and Brighter topics....
I'm publishing a flower gardening website. I've always wanted to
do something like that - actually, I've always wanted to open a
garden center / flower shop...but it takes a fair bit of cash to do
something like that, so I'm doing the next best thing. It's going
to have a number of links to gardening companies that you can
buy all your flower bulbs, seeds, plants, trees, hammocks, tools,
and stuff like that. But It's mainly going to be an information site
with links to lots of neat gardening information. There are literally
thousands of gardening sites on the internet, and my goal is to
get the best information all under one roof!
Big Goal but Hey...when you Love something, it's not work!
I'll make a big Splasy Announcement when it's ready to Go!
I'll let all you wonderful Bloggy fans know first OK? But ya gotta
promise me - If I give you the first crack at it, ya gotta check it
out. I mean, actually click on the link and go to the site. Like,
you know, click the links man...click the links!
Now for an update on Jen's Jazz Band trip...
So far I think they've raised a total of about $500 and they need
$4500 for the trip in May. Whew...they've got a ways to go. The
band has put on a concert at one of the local malls and took
donations... cheap people in this town ...they only got about $100
and they were there for a whole afternoon.
Weird thing is, the band is really good. Now truthfully, I'm not a
huge Jazz fan...I like it but I don't love it. But even so, that little
band is really pretty good. I'm proud of Jen for going back into
it after a 5 year hiatus from it... she's enjoying it and getting better
and better. She plays trumput and stands in the back behind
everyone else, so if she can't make a note, no one will notice.
You should hear her trying to hit some of the high notes, up in her
room...... Well.... maybe you shouldn't. I do. Sometimes I cringe.
Sometimes I laugh. Sometimes we laugh together. But I'm so
proud. Can't cha tell? LOL
Anyway...if any of you bloggy fans want to make a donation, the
buttons are at the bottom. Feel free.
Now on to the weather.....
The snow is almost ALL GONE!!! Halleiluah! (spelled wrong?)
I've actually gotten out walking again, but dang if I don't need a new
pair of sneekers. They were good last fall when I tucked them
away. I put them on and the third day I walked about 8 miles and
the back of my heel was shredded. Ouch! I've gotta find another
pair just like them though - they were SOOOOO comfortable. They
were like these cushy canvass sneekers...I can't even remember
where I got them. Dang. I hate shopping. Now I've gotta shop.
Wish I had Front Page 2000 or Dreamweaver for Windows 98,
so I could take that sucker in and do a number on it right and proper.
I've got this beautiful template that was set up for an HTML Editor.
All I have is HTML Kit, which is OK, but I still have to hard code...the
Kit just makes it a little easier to do. SOOOOOOO..............
IF ANYONE has FrontPage 2000 or Dreamweaver for Windows98,
Would you share it with little ol me?
Then I really could Zing through that Template and have my site up
in a couple of weeks (maybe more) but I could have the basic site
up and operational while continuing to work on the rest of it. Just
contact me through the site here and we'll make arrangements for
the transfer. I DO Have FrontPage 2003, Office 2003 and WinXP that
I could trade you for. I don't have the time to wipe my HD, and install,
set up and reconfigure everything, just to use FrontPage. I need
something that I can use with my current Windows98 system.
After I've got my site Published to the web, then I'll take the time to do
all that - So, if you can help me out, or pass this request onto someone
who could hook me up - It would me MUCHO appreciated!!!
Well baby bloggers...I gotta blow this popcorn stand. Got some
XHTML to do - big time (Uuugh - Prays for FrontPage - Good grief -
I can't believe I'm praying for the evil empires product!!! What's
wrong with me???).
You're all true blues, ya bunch of Smirfs ya. Catch ya on the flip
An Undeniably Distracted
Contrary Cal
Oh Yeah...Can't forget the links...the oh so futile links.... : D
$2.00 Donation
$5.00 donation
$10.00 Donation
$20.00 Donation
Bye for now...See ya on the flip side!
Oh yes...Note to Bloggy folks...
1-gardening.com is under construction right now
(as if you couln't figure that out for yourselves)..but
I'm putting the link on every page from now on, for those
future bloggy people who stumble across my Blog Glob
by accident. By then, the site will be active. But as of this
date... Watch out for that manhole!