You'll never guess what I've been Up To
Hey there Bloggy people... It's been awhile! I know, I know... my fault entirely, but I have a really, really, really good excuse!!!!
I've been busy. (heh heh heh)
No, really... I have been, but I betcha can't guess doin what?
Well, I've been working totally hard on my website... but before that... but just after my last post, I started working in a local garden centre. For any of you who are from around this end of the country, you'll know what an absolutely miserable experience THAT would be in the months of May and June. Why you may ask?... I'll tell ya.... One Word.... RAIN!!!!!!!!!
It did not stop raining for the whole of those two months! It was freakin freezing to boot!!! I think we might have got one whole week of sunshine between those two months... try slogging 25 - 50L bags of mulch, topsoil, compost.... yada, yada, yada.... in the bloody rain. I was Sooooooooo sore the first month I worked there.... So tired, wet and miserable.... but then the sun came out the end of June... and we went from Winter to Summer in a one week period. Sheesh... we didn't even get the chance to acclimate! One day we were huddled in our little garden shed shivering our butts off, the next day we were shedding clothes and sweating buckets. I gotta tell ya.... I'm getting to dang old for that crap. But, I might possibly do it again next year... ??? Depends on if I need to go back into the "field" again for the website. Nothing like hands on to give a person credibility!!!
Anyway............ I'm doing something else now.... I actually got grant approval to develop the website into a professional information website, and to teach other people how to do it.... Very exciting stuff to me.... probably very boring stuff to you bloggy ppl who couldn't tell a peony from a rose, or a tulip from a daffodil. Well, go to my website and you'll be able to tell the difference cause it's mainly an information site to teach all you 'Un-Green-Thumb' people how to get one... a Green Thumb, that is! 
Oh yeah, I need to update you on Jen's Band trip to Ottawa.... She went... She saw... She conquered! In other words, she had a blast! The band arrived during the Tulip festival and had outings planned for the 4 days they were there. Seems like they did more touring than playing, but it was a great experience for them. She brought home gifts for everyone that she bought at pavilions... Dutch chocolate for her brother... a glass tulip candleholder for mom... Dutch licorice for her Dad and little Dutch keychain thingy ma-giggy for her oldest brother. Sweet gal, eh??? heh heh
Hmmmm.... what else do I have to get y'all up to speed on???? Oh yeah... XP work great... AFTER you go into the system and disable a whole crapload of stuff!!! Now my desktop looks like '98 but without all the glitches. Need a new upgrade though. I'm going to HL Technology in BC to get my upgrade stuff.... REALLY inexpensive even with shipping to the other side of the country!!!!!!!! I'm getting a new AMD Athalon XP 2800+ 333MHz FSB Barton Socket A Processor for $130.50.... Asus A7N8X, Socket A, NFORCE2 ST, 5 PCI / Dual ATA133, 333 FSB, Audio, LAN, 3 DDR, ATX for $86.03.... and an OCZ 2 x 256 MBPC-3200 Dual Channel Memory..... Tax & shipping included is $341.77 Canadian dollars! Pretty good eh? If anyone can find it less expensive, then let me know!
Let's see... what else.... Oh yeah... you should see my flower beds this year.... well, I didn't really have one to speak of last year... but working at a garden center and all, well I had to drag home just about one of everything... that I could afford, that is. Now I've gotta get out there the next week and move stuff around, and plant the fall bulbs... that should be fun... yeah... right!!! LOL Actually, it's nice work... most gardeners get great satisfaction from their work...Makes sitting outside in the summer much more enjoyable! And gets me off my a*s.
Well, I think I've gabbed on enough... time to go browse some other blogs... see what I've been missing.
Take care you bunch of crazy, neurotic bloggers.... catch ya on the flip side!
Contrary Cal