Contrary, Controversial, Conundrums for Casual Consideration
Contrary Cal's Articles In Life Journals
January 25, 2005 by Contrary Cal
In Scotland, every January 25, they celebrate the birthday of their national poet - Robbie Burns Day! A special pudding is served called Haggis which has been cooked inside a sheep's stomach. While the haggis is ready to be served, a man marches into the dining room playing a bagpipe. Behind him comes another man, elegantly carrying the haggis on a tray. The appearance of the famed pudding causes the crowd to cheer and the "Address to a Haggis" is recited. Address To a Haggis -...
January 25, 2005 by Contrary Cal
Well, well, weeeeeellllllllllllll.....Today I turned (insert a number _7) I have a daugher who is old enough to dye her hair so chances are the number to insert is NOT a 1. (or a 2...heh) Dang birthdays! Wish they'd slow down a bit!!!! Of course, it's better than the alternative I suppose. long as I'm on the right side of the grass, I shouldn't complain. Still and all, I'm not going down without a fight. Where's that box of dye I bought for myself??? Dang grey hair. I...
February 8, 2005 by Contrary Cal
Well Dang,,, I almost forgot I had one of these here things to dicker with! Time to get back to the old grind...Churning out witty blog after witty blog... Cleaver little thang that I am. That's what happens when you step away from the blog for a day or two...You just start writing the first thing that pops into your head because you really don't have anything of substance to actually write about. Actually I do have something to write about. It's not controversial, but it sure i...
February 1, 2005 by Contrary Cal
Winter In Canada Sucks...especially if you don't snowboard, ski, skate, sled, play hockey...blah, blah, blah....I DO skate, rather poorly I might add, but this winter I've been just too darn lazy to care. Must be the aging thing ...but I'm quite content to sit on my Fat Ass and just play on the computer all day. (heh heh...not really, but I really wanted to say "Fat Ass"'s such a delightful way to self-deprecate oneself without being too crass and hard on yourself. You can still...
January 26, 2005 by Contrary Cal
JOB - Just Over Broke. Seems like that's all they are, what? Trading time for what's a good trade? I've discovered that there is a world of difference between what other people want you to do, and what you want to do - jobwise. Perception is everything. Some of my friends still think of me as a housewife and think I should be happy serving coffee at Tim Hortons. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've heard them say... "It's a job isn't it?" Well, I'm to the ...
January 23, 2005 by Contrary Cal
Today was our first REAL blizzard of this fine winter season! Man oh Man - It's trés White out there. Cold too. I'm glad I'm in here and it's out there. Blizzard Tip of the week: **Fill a couple of buckets full of water so you can still flush the toilet when the power goes out!** Now is that good advice or what?? I'm so dang clever I amaze myself sometimes! Well besides waiting for the power to go out today in the middle of the blizzard, I had to shore up the Igloo entrance to m...
December 2, 2005 by Contrary Cal
I spent yesterday, until the wee hours of the morning, searching for a couple of places on the internet to advertise my new website. You'd think it would be a no-brainer, right? WRONG!! Yes, there are thousands of places that offer to advertise for you... some are cheap and some are expensive... you do get what you pay for... but .30¢ per click - come on!!! In order to make any money you'd have to buy about 10,000 clicks and at .30¢ a pop, that's $3,000 bucks. DANG. My category, Home &...
December 1, 2005 by Contrary Cal
Oh Man... what a long haul... Someone teach me to NOT be such a perfectionist - PLEASE!!!!!!! I can hardly believe how bloody long it took me to get that website "just right"... but in the end I guess it was worth it... Just finished submitting to Yahoo and Google and thier criteria for submissions, while extensive, is not unreasonable. Lucky for me, I did my site the right way and had to only make a few minor tweeks to make it Search Engine friendly (as in the world according to Google and...
September 13, 2005 by Contrary Cal
Hey there Bloggy people... It's been awhile! I know, I know... my fault entirely, but I have a really, really, really good excuse!!!! I've been busy. (heh heh heh) No, really... I have been, but I betcha can't guess doin what? Well, I've been working totally hard on my website... but before that... but just after my last post, I started working in a local garden centre. For any of you who are from around this end of the country, you'll know what an absolutely miserable experience ...
April 1, 2005 by Contrary Cal
Oh my Bloggy Fans...Pray For Me!!! Ferverently!!! LOL I'm biting the bullet and installing XP and Office 2003 tomorrow. I just don't have the patience to search through every page on my template to find the content to edit, and link to all the pages blah, blah, blah, blah.... Hard coding is just that...HARD. Not hard as in difficult...hard as in time consuming, eat your brains out boring, monotonous, drive you crazy with frustration ...that kind of Hard! Soooooo... I'm going to g...
March 31, 2005 by Contrary Cal
Howdy All you Wonderful Bloggy fans! (See Below about the Request for FrontPage 2000 and/or Dreamweaver) I know, I know....I've been ignoring you all again. Please accept my sincere apologies, but I've been trés, trés busy trying to keep from burning my house down. That's really hard to do when you're distracted to the Nth degree. WHY I'm distracted to the Nth degree is another matter entirely, which I won't go into here as it's very personal...but man, you sure can burn your ...
March 6, 2005 by Contrary Cal
Tonight (well, technically last night...but again...I haven't gone to bed yet, so it's still Saturday) Tonight I attended a big Birthday Party for an older sister who turned 50. 50. Dang.... When did all my brothers and sisters get so darn old? I have brothers and sisters who are GRANDPARENTS!!! Sheesh. I can hardly comprehend it...I mean, it wasn't that long ago that I graduated from high school. But all things are relevant. Take the Dodo bird for example. Comparati...
February 28, 2005 by Contrary Cal
Well, my oh my, Contrary Cal is still alive and breathing! Yes, yes indeed, I am still alive and wondering when winter is EVER going to be over!!!!!!!! It's been bloody cold up here in Eastern Canada and I'm dang well sick of it. I've only been out walking 4 times this month - That's pathetic! I've gained about 10 pounds but am fast burning it off just trying to keep warm! I know you have all been waiting with baited breath to see my next bloggy post, but really folks, I've been b...
February 1, 2005 by Contrary Cal
This topic kind of has me a bit hot under the collar, since it was brought to my attention, so I'm commenting on it........ Leave it to NBC in Los Angeles to Royally screw up the facts...but they managed to do just that and paint Christians as a bunch of ignorant neanderthals - - AGAIN! What is it with mainstream media and Christianity? A bunch of radical Islamics terrorize and kill thousands of Americans, giving the media PLENTY of fodder to shred (justifiably) the Islamic reli...